About The Sherwood Chalet
In the 1920s, Sam and Anna Asarnow acquired a huge and lovely property in Somerset County, New Jersey, with the intention of using it as a summer vacation home for their family. Yes, you guessed it: this is the parcel of property that would subsequently be transformed into The Forest Lodge. Those who have visited in the past, and who still do so on occasion, are enthusiastic about the place's history. In addition to entertaining, the Asarnows liked inviting guests to come here for a day of leisure and entertainment. When friends had such a good time at the Lodge, they spread the word, and friends who came to visit quickly became friends of friends, and ultimately strangers began turning up to enjoy the grounds. By 1933, the grounds had grown in popularity to the point that the Asarnows felt it was only natural to begin collecting a $.25/person entry fee to the general public. This was the impetus for the establishment of a family-owned business that is still in operation today under
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