Based in Newport, Rhode IslandWill travel internationally
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About CARBOTTI Experiences
Carbotti Experiences, is owned and operated by lead designers and brothers, Jordan and Evan Carbotti. CXP is a full service design company specializing in the design and production of original, custom, thematic and decorative environments of any scale. In addition to their award-winning event design, Carbotti XP offers decades of innovative graphic design, visual merchandising and interior design experience from which the company was born. With attention to detail held to the highest standard, we ensure the quality and authenticity our wide spectrum of clients demands. No matter where our clients take us, Carbotti XP promises to deliver truly memorable experiences. At Carbotti XP we don’t succeed until we exceed your expectations.
Event design has been the staple of CXP for the last three decades. If Interior design is held at the core of our professional mindset as our foundation, it is the design and production of weddings, corporate, social, and non-profit special events that
Decor & Design
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